Safe interaction of 18-25 year old road users with trucks

Representing 4 per cent of vehicles on Australia’s roads, heavy vehicles are involved in more than 15 per cent of the nation’s road fatalities. Research shows most of these accidents are not the fault of the truck driver. With most people killed in heavy truck crashes being light vehicle occupants, and an increasing number of trucks on our roads, the 2018 brief focused on educating 18-25 year old road users on safe interaction with trucks.


"We believe this is the first time an education campaign about vulnerable road users around trucks has been specifically targeted at the 18-25 year old segment."

– Andrew Hardwick, Hard Edge


inspire change


Each year the Re:act program challenges design students to develop creative solutions to serious road safety issues. In 2018 the focus was on sharing the road safely with trucks. We spoke to some of the participants about the journey they’ve been on with Re:act, and how it’s shifted their attitudes and behaviour towards trucks and truck drivers.


the pitch


In 2018, thirty Swinburne communication design students gathered at Hard Edge to pitch their creative concepts to a very impressed Re:act panel of judges.  


selected campaign


Charlotte Hicks, Grace Kirby and Caitlyn Preyser were the winners of re:act 2018
with their hard hitting ‘Don't Truck Around’ campaign. 




The following resources from our partners provide valuable insight into the issue of Safe Interaction of 18-25 Year Old Road Users With Trucks and formed an important part of the creative brief.  



media releases